Mohammed Badwan
Physical Therapy report
Date of birth : August,13,2002
Diagnosis : Post Meningitis Flaccid Quadriplegia
This child was refered to our foundation with
flaccid Quadriplegia. After the first assessment , I found the
following problems :-
1. Slight shortening in the calf muscles in both lower limbs .
2. Inability to set independently , because of poor balance in
sitting position .
3. Severe weakness in both upper and lower muscles .
4. Inability to stand even when placed.
5. Inability to crawl on four limbs .
6. Inability to come up to sitting position.
After several sessions of physical therapy by using different methods
of treatment like weight bearing, balance exercises and
strengthening exercises to both upper and lower limbs , I turned the
following results :-
1. The child can now sit independently with very good balance and
uses his hands during sitting position .
2. He can crawl very well on four limbs .
3. There is obvious increase in his muscles power in both upper and
lower limbs .
4. He can stand independently if placed on any support .
5. The length of calf muscles is normal .
There has been general progress in HIB case, he can now walk without
any assistance.
Physical Therapist
Omar Rasheed